The Thorny Devil: A Spiky Lizard

The Thorny Devil: A Spiky Lizard

The Thorny Devil: A Spiky Lizard

The thorny devil (Moloch horridus) is a small, spiky lizard native to the arid regions of Australia. It is known for its unique appearance and its ability to survive in harsh conditions.

The thorny devil's body is covered in sharp, conical spines that give it a formidable appearance. These spines serve as a defense mechanism against predators, making it difficult for them to swallow the lizard. The thorny devil also has a wide, flattened head and a short, thick tail.

The thorny devil is a master of camouflage. Its body color can change to match its surroundings, allowing it to blend in with the sand and rocks. This helps it to avoid detection by predators and prey alike.

The thorny devil is an opportunistic feeder, eating ants, termites, and other small insects. It uses its long, sticky tongue to capture its prey. The thorny devil can also drink water through its skin, which helps it to survive in arid environments.

The thorny devil is a fascinating and unique creature that has adapted to survive in the harsh Australian outback. Its spiky appearance, camouflage abilities, and opportunistic feeding habits make it a remarkable example of the diversity of life on Earth.

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